Issue #10
March / 2023

What lives at the intersection of nature, humanity, and technology? Some might say everything. ‘Ecoscope’ is meant to be a lens for our theme, covering ecologies, ecosystems, economies, and more. This issue explores the fine line between nature and technology, and their intimate relationship with humanity. Each essay takes a close look at one very small piece of this everything-verse we are intimately wedged in, like a scope. The range in topics exhibits the breadth of this tripartite intersection: interspecies art-making, microbial archiving, snails, camouflage, keyboards, nesting, bugs, the notes app, and collective joy. In other words, everything.

ADJACENT is an online journal of emerging media published by the Interactive Telecommunications Program of NYU.

Our mission is to share research, reflection, analysis, and opinion from and for the diverse creators that are exploring the emerging possibilities of the contemporary moment in media and technology.

Adjacent was made possible by a Tisch Faculty Grant. Special thanks to Tisch School of the Arts Dean, Allyson Green, and ITP’s Chair and Associate Dean for Emerging Media, Shawn Van Every, for their ongoing support.

Julia Margaret Lu, Managing Editor
shuang cai
Sarah Elix
Max Chu
Zichen ‘Oliver’ Yuan

Site Design
Tuan Huang, Lead Designer
Neeti Sivakumar
So Yeon Kim

Web Development
Tuan Huang

Faculty Advisor
Nancy Hechinger

Resident Advisor
Divya Mehra